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National Trailer & Towing Association Ltd
Your online resource centre for up-to-date trailer and towing information: News, Regulations, The Law, Legislation, Qualifications, Training, Classifieds and Marketing

Towbar Manufacturers
BOSAL are now one of Europe's largest manufacturers with a range of flanged, swan-neck and detachable towing brackets. Type approved towing brackets for 'S' registered vehicles onwards.

Witter Towbars
Witter are the UK's largest manufacturer of towbar systems. They are an independent company and have recently celebrated their 50th year in business. This experience gives them the confidence to provide all towbars with a genuine lifetime guarantee known as the Witter Shield of Safety.

Thule Towbars
Brink were the largest towbar manufacturers of towbars in Europe. Thule purchased Brink, so all future towbars will be sold under the Thule brand name. The Thule name is linked to quality products that meet all requirements demanded by both official authorities and motor manufacturers. Thule is certified by several car manufacturers according to their own internal quality audit systems. Thule produce a vast range of towbars to suit most customers needs.

Tow-Trust Towbars
Design / manufacturing technology) the towbars are designed and manufactured to the highest possible standards, and conform to all relevant standards including the latest EC94/20 regulations.

PCT Towbars
PCT Towbars are one of Europe's leading designers, manufacturers and distributors of towbars, towing electrics and automotive products. Their precision engineering heritage dates back over 80 years and they offer one of the most comprehensive and best quality towbar and towing accessory product ranges in Europe.